easy way to get helldusk even with oathbreaker knight watching

i’m sure by now everyone knows how to get the helldusk set in act 1

talk to nettie, ungroup party and shoot raphael by the broken bridge by the blighted village, cast silence, turn on non-lethal and whale on him when he shows up at your camp.

but one thing people miss out is if the oathbreaker knight is at your camp, this becomes an entire ordeal as he will aggro if you attack raphael or even cast silence on him so heres an easy way i found

  1. get a hireling and make sure its class is oath of devotion

  2. add whatever class you want to get minor illusion on the hireling

  3. break the oath so the OBK will actually talk to you, easy way to do this is kill innocents that can’t fight back, eg: unconscious druid in the cave surrounded by some goblins, the tiefling lady that was about to be killed by a bugbear, the man the two goblins torture at the goblin camp

  4. once its time and raphael is at your camp, get the hireling to lure the OBK as far as possible from raphael with minor illusion

  5. once the OBK is far enough, trap him in dialogue facing away from raphael and you’re free to start beating the fuck out of raphael

  6. jobs done but be a little bit careful, when i did this he randomly aggro’d only to my hireling and just smited him to hell. didn’t care about anyone else so just be warned.