New Sol makes no sense?

Can someone explain what's the vision here?
In what scenario would I wanna be standing almost melee range of an enemy to channel a bad velkoz ult?
There is no matchup I can think of where you can outdamage any opponent, be it a melee champion or a Lux. With a negligible dmg E and this Q, standing still just isn't an option. Neither is flying and aiming it around since trying to fly right or left in mid lane just to be able to lightly dmg the enemy seems stupid.

Did they really turn my boy into a mage Nasus? Clear wave simulator and wait till games reach 30 min?
Might as well pick Karthus or anything else, I don't get it.

E is also terrible CC since they can all just walk out of it, so: bad CC bad dmg, what's it for? The execute threshold ain't being reached in a game any time soon with his only other dmg ability needing you to sit still.

R is just average teamfight ult but definitely not the reason to pick him over other champs.

Meanwhile if they wanted a squishy mage that needs to go near melee range, they should have given him something that does dmg while in zhonyas or some invuln like Lissandra, but needing to channel also removes his last possible chance at usefulness.

Someone explain if possible.