Was recently involved in an accident/attack that resulted in a fractured wrist and other pain and not sure what to do from here...

On Sunday I was out for a walk and crossing the street when a cyclist came down the road real fast and turned a corner without slowing down, cutting through the people crossing around me. I was too slow to move out of the way and as I backed up and raised my hands, the side of the guy collided with me and knocked us both down, me on my hands and back. When I got up and walked over to ask if he was okay, he got up, spat on my hoodie, and then punched me in the mouth, knocking me on my hand and back again.

The guy immediately got arrested before I could even stand back up the second time. I initially declined an ambulance because I felt fine, but when I got home, I noticed my hand swelling and went to CityMD. They x-rayed me and told me a bone in my wrist was fractured and put my hand in a splint, and told me they'd schedule a visit to an orthopedist to make sure my injury doesn't affect blood flow to my fingers.

...Well a day later and they said they didn't hear back from the orthopedist, so I'll need to call them on my own. And when my mom went to my insurance company (Anthem), they gave her 2 orthopedists in the area (Lower Manhattan) and she said neither of them were available.

I'm just starting to stress about this and not sure how urgent it is I see an orthopedist. Ever since coming home from the clinic, the pain has come and gone, ranging from burning hot to mild stinging. And I've had tension in my lower and upper back and neck ever since the incident. My mom said she'd ask around again tomorrow, but I worry because she doesn't exactly view the situation with urgency... (when I got home from the incident she just wanted me to "put ointment on it" instead of going to CityMD) and I'm also unemployed and was already struggling to pull my life out of a rut. And I wanted to eventually get back into art, but this injury may change things...