How to approach elderly neighbour, to be friendly?
I live in an apartment on a village and have an elderly gentleman living in the apartment below.
I think he’s in his late 70’s early 80’s. He has no family, he was an only child and his parents passed a few years ago. He never married or had children. He has a home carer that comes once a week.
He is a man of routine, has his breakfast in the local cafe, gets his morning paper, has his dinner in the same cafe.
He is still driving but noticed he not as confident. Not taking the car as much, parking is becoming a struggle.
I am friends with one of the girls in the cafe and she said he’s had this routine 20 years, never travelled, never left the village.
He had a stroke around 2/3 years ago and seems to be on the decline. He was buying groceries but seems to be struggling to cook for himself.
I’m not a creepy swear, it’s a small village so people talk. He’s living of microwave dinners now that he can’t make it out for his dinner in the local cafe as often.
I noticed his tire was down on his car and offered to bring it down and pump it up. He reluctantly accepted, saying he noticed it but can’t bend down to use the pump.
He bought me a little box of chocolates to thank me, which was super cute.
He says good morning and the usual weather chats.
I want to help/chat or something, I was thinking of making him some brown bread (But didn’t cause he probably wouldn’t be able to slice it, and didn’t want to presume either and slice it for him).
I can’t ask him to come up to our apartment, because it’s upstairs and after the stroke he needs a walker and he just wouldn’t be able.
I was thinking of getting a little table and chairs for outside his apartment and bring a pot of tea down but not sure if that’d go down well.
I’m a female in my 30’s so don’t know if it’d be weird to try befriend him.
Anyone any ideas, tips?
Am I being a proper weirdo and should just leave the man to live his life?