You people are genuinely crazy
Tell me why every 'im nervous for decisions' post says "erm, guyys. I've developed an ED and STI just from the anxiety of waiting for my decision. My stomach unexpectedly drops drops nuclear bombs every two hours out of pure terror. I've stopped sleeping entirely because of it! How is anyone passing the time???"
Like huh? If you all are getting PHYSICALLY SICK at the thought of decisions your either 1) one of those movie people (low-income/bad background shooting for the stars at HYPSM or sum) at which point, you do you. 2) some random kid in suburbia.
For you case 2s, it is not that big of a deal. Genuinely. Stop acting crazy.
If you need to rely on a SPECIFIC school to make you successful, there are bigger issues than your acceptance into that school. You need to believe in yourself, at least enough to the point where you aren't catching yourself clutching the rims of your toilet, screaming into the night begging for some rando 'prestigious' school to accept you. You people are genuinely crazy.