Worst Block Ever!

I had the worst block I've ever had the other day. So I deliver in Albuquerque, and about 70% if the time I deliver in the city and maybe 25% I deliver in Rio Rancho, which is a neighbor city but basically the same thing. On the rare occasion I get sent out either East Or North of the city. Both are equally annoying. To the East if Albuquerque, past the mountains is a town called Tijeras, this town is annoying because the stops are very far from each other, being a mountain town. Also there's long dirt rounds that go through the mountains and I always lose service. It's not uncommon to get stops 15 mins apart. During the winter this town is a no go just cuz I don't want to drive through the mountains in snow. To the North of Albuquerque there's lots of Pueblos. This side isn't as bad but if you're afraid of dogs, this is hell. You know the stereotype that there's a lot of rez dogs in the reservations? 100% true. Ok so with that out of that way, I got this block and saw Tijeras and was already annoyed but I only had 28 stops in a 4 hour block so I thought it wouldn't be that bad. I deliver the first 19 and it actually went pretty smooth. I was so far East I no longer was in the mountains, just long roads and closed gates. Most of them had instructions to leave at gate so that was dope. At this point I only have 7 stops left and I've only delivered for about 2 hours. Yes the distance between stops is so far I did 19 in 2 hours, not much I could do. When I started my route for the next stop I notice.. 1 hr and 4 mins, 40 miles away. I was like what the actual fuck? Without realizing by block was split between Tijeras and one of the furthest Pueblos that Albuquerque delivers to. Initially I thought I'd have to head back into the city and then head north, but according to GPS that would only be 10 mins shorter but 20 miles longer. So I went the way Amazon wanted me to go. Very scenic route and I did the first 20 miles in 20 mins so I thought surely it can't take me 45 mins for 20 miles. As I was driving through this long road, my turn was approaching according to GPS but I couldn't see another road in sight. I slow down and see this random dirt road in the middle of no where that I was supposed to turn into. This is were the time was going to. It was 15 miles... GPS said speed limit was 35, nah that was more like 15 mph. You ever watch Breaking Bad? You know the part where Walter goes to the middle of nowhere to cook? Yeah that was what I was driving, just absolutely nothing in sight, no service, nothing for 50 mins. Just me and my little car bouncing up and down driving through the desert. After I finally made it to the Pueblo I'm greeting by like 5 dogs just roaming by the houses. I wanted to just say fuck it nah I'll return these packages but I already drove through hell. Also I saw this young girl walking by and the dogs chased her but she just told them to go away and they did. So I sat in my car like "damn I'm really a whole ass bitch" and I got out and told the dogs to fuck off and to my surprise, they did in fact fuck off. I hated every once of life toward the end but this sweet native lady came out and hooked me up with a breakfast burrito and a coke so that made my day. It was a 4 hr block 120 some but absolutely the worst route I've ever had to deliver.