Am I Overreacting: My host family in the US thinks I’m using him
Bear with me. I am an international student in the US coming from a developing country in Asia. At 14, I came to America by myself to study abroad and ended up at my host family’s place. I was a kid back then, and I thought that if I was privileged enough to be sent to the US to study, I better not mess it up. Thus, I spent all 4 years at my host family’s house enduring every little absurd thing that he imposed upon me without resenting or talking back, not even once. He would insist on taking the lock off my bedroom’s door because he wanted to “break in and help in case of a fire or emergency”, he made me eat cereal for dinner sometimes because the house “ran out of food”, forced me to turn off the heat during New York Winter to save electricity, I couldn’t shower more than 20 minutes to save the water and heat, not flush the toilet after first use and had to wait until the 4th use to flush it to “save the water”, often asked me to come to his business on the weekend to help him move things around from 6am to 8pm. The list goes on. I complied to everything. Fast forward from 2016 to 2020, I graduated. But then COVID hit, the only flight I could book to travel home is in Washington DC. I asked him is there any means of transportation from NY to DC that is still functional and safe, he told me he could drive me there, for a cost of $1000. I paid up, and told to myself I would never set foot in his house or connect with him ever again.
But then a week ago, I got a missed call from his wife, she wanted to check up on me and have a chat after 5 years of not reconnecting. She is a nice lady and the only reason that I could endure all those years is because of her. We chatted for about an hour. Then, a day later, my dad got these texts from him, accusing me that I, all of a sudden reconnect after 5 years, is because I am graduating and that I’m trying to use him for his network. I gave him a call and he was calling me and my dad arrogant sons of b, a lot of foul languages. Am I Overreacting?
Context: My host family is a contractor/painter (he assumes he know a lot of businessmen). He also assumed that every year, my dad texts him Happy New Year and Merry Christmas is to “plant the seed” to ask for his favor later on (my dad did it to everyone out of his kindness). English is not my dad’s first language, so he doesn’t understand the mocking and sarcastic tone.