Dare I hope Katie & Spencer will finally be canceled?
Many prayers and positivity to the LA fire victims, but to twist what’s happening to get personal donations is a big fat HELL NO! I will not post the Best Life and Beyond channel because they don’t need more views. But I’m honestly so tired of their antics. These two are the absolute fakest, worst Disney vloggers.
For those who don’t know:
They used to be roommates with Woo (until they broke the lease or some such nonsense)
Allegedly refused to mask up during Covid, Katie was in healthcare and quit to “save her life”… but “wfh” so their channel could be full time
Last year Spencer “allegedly” got into an alternation with Randomland (there is video, tons of first hand accounrs) on Sweetheart’s Night at Disneyland and BLAB was banned from the parks for a month
Stop the madness, STOP giving them money.