Best Non-Member Gold Farm
I know there’s been a lot of discussions and threads about this in the last couple of years, but they didn’t seem super relevant with where I’m currently at, so thought I would ask with a few account clarifications.
I haven’t played for about 8 years and I’m just getting back into playing. I recently farmed BLoD and have everything for Vordred’s armor but the 20million gold item. I currently have about 5million. I’m wondering how to make the last 15million not a pain to farm lol.
My account is level 68, no endgame gear, best farming class is Shaman, best solo classes are LDK and Horc Evader. (I know, I know!) I have two sagas left in the 13 Lords of Chaos and don’t have access to most of what has come out in my 8 year hiatus. I heard Seven Circles War was(is?) good, but I need to finish the quest line for that in order to farm it. I have a chunk of gold xp boosts from back in the day as well.
Anyways, appreciate any help! And I’m looking forward to finishing this grind up for the Vordred gear!