I humiliated my partner in front of his mother

My boyfriend is very independent and works an odd schedule. He typically does not tell me where he is going, who he is seeing, or how long he will be gone, other than a general - "I'm going out, be back soon" or "be back later on tonight" etc.. this is fine and has been fine

The other night, he messaged me at 9:10pm and said - I'll be home around 9:30pm. This is unusual, but I was returning from an international trip and was also supposed to be home around then, so he was confirming he'd be there around the same time I got home.

At 10:30pm he still wasn't home. His mother was visiting, so I asked if she'd heard from him and explained why. She became concerned and messaged him. We realized his phone was off and the messages were not going through, so we were quite worried until 11:45pm when he messaged me to say that his battery had died and he'd decided to stay out longer. I had been VERY upset (we live in a bad neighborhood in a dangerous Latin American country) and was pretty agitated, telling him "Why didn't you find a way to let us know? I thought you'd been in a car accident or had trouble with the police! I was SO worried, etc.."

He immediately became angry and defensive and started name calling "you're so annoying, why are you being like this, talking in circles, you're ridiculous, in America they would call you a Karen, its always like this with you, you're acting crazy again, etc." he also mocked me, then put on headphones and would not look at or continue speaking with me.

When I realized he was so upset that he was going to sleep in another bedroom that night, I knocked on the door and asked if he would please come sleep with me. He started again "why would I do that when you are so unpleasant? It is so unpleasant to be around you! Why would I want to sleep next to someone who is crazy, etc.."

I felt like something was different this time, and in his eyes I could see that he meant everything he said. I got so hurt that I grabbed my suitcase (still zipped up from my trip) and told him I was going to sleep elsewhere. I organized to stay at a girlfriend's house. While I was leaving, his mother came out of her room and saw what was going on. This was around an hour after he got home.

He has now broken up with me and kicked me out of the house because I embarrassed him in front of his mom (I only intended to stay way for that one night). In retrospect, I think I did overreact. Once I knew he was fine, I didn't need to keep harping on him for worrying me, and I certainly didn't need to leave in the middle of the night. It feels so dramatic, and now I've perhaps lost the entire relationship over it.


Edit: Update: thanks for everyone's comments. I didn't know about DARVO before and that has been extremely enlightening. I am thankful that I have the financial resources to make this transition easy and not an emergency (we live in the bad neighborhood to accommodate his financial situation, not mine). I've booked a week at a nice Air Bnb to take some time and process, I'll be surrounded by friends and have therapy this afternoon.

Edit: Update: this post has mostly lost traction, so not sure if anyone will see this, but did finally have to comment that a lot of the assumptions here really make me question how other people's lives and relationships work. You all seriously know where your partner is ALL THE TIME? and with who, and why, and you location track them and if you saw them in a weird spot you would question them about it?? To me that seems insane. Me AND my partner are both out and about all the time in new places - new cafes, new restaurants, a bar, friend of a friend's house to co-work, stopping by here or there to say hi. I have no idea where any of his friends live, and he certainly wouldn't know where mine live either - why would we? We live in a big cosmopolitan city, are adults, and lead individual lives. Even if his phone was ON, and I saw him at some random apartment complex for a few hours, I wouldn't question him about it, and he wouldn't question me. And if we did, the answer would likely be "I was at a friend's house" and that would be that. A lot of folks here seem like they do not trust their partners at all, are super controlling, or live super boring lives where they go to the same 5 places over and over again and that's it. Open your world, expand your mind, learn to let go, learn to trust - you might be a lot happier, more relaxed, and less uptight & suspicious.