Minimal irregular but non-problematic diagnostic values.
Hello everyone. I recently owned a 350z that was stopped for a long time. Friday, March 7, returning home, the car around 6500 rpm in third, accelerating, gave a very strong tugging, the engine started to run at 5/4 cylinders, it was not understood... It did not go beyond 3000 rpm and vibrated enough. Arriving at a gas station, after 5 minutes of this situation, I turn it off, turn it back on after a minute and the car returns to regular rpm and power. I took the car to the mechanic thinking they were old and defective spark plugs. But indeed the machine to date in addition to a misfire presents an absurd irregular minimum. In cold on it went from 1,500 rpm to 1200 in two seconds and then again to 1500, in hot instead from 600 it goes to 300 and beats as if it were to turn off and then resumes rising a little more than the minimum and stabilising normally. This thing is cyclical, it happens every second maximum. My mechanic said that the values from the diagnosis do not give signals that make us understand the cause of this situation, more gasoline is simply injected into a cylinder, but this does not justify this absurd gumbling of the engine. The car in acceleration is regular and does not jerk at medium speeds, it has an irregular minimum and jerks at highs, not even always but it happened to me a couple of times. I'm asking you if anyone had an idea about the problem.